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How To Properly Store Wood Outdoors

December 21, 2022 12:00 am Published by Leave your thoughts

Normally, you need firewood if you have a BBQ, fire pit, or fireplace. And where there is firewood, there should be efficient, tidy, and proper firewood storage. Throwing logs into a pile shouldn’t count as storage enough. Remember, wood is very susceptible to rain and snow. Storing firewood improperly can create a breeding ground for small beetles, wasps, wood roaches, weevils, pillbugs, etc. These unpleasant creatures can make a cozy home in dead wood and wreak havoc on your porch, wood deck, home’s foundation, or other nearby structures. That isn’t what you want! Let’s see how to properly store wood outdoors.  Stack... View Article

The Fascinating History of Teepees

December 7, 2022 12:00 am Published by Leave your thoughts

The tipi, also spelled teepee, is a conical, portable structure that is a skin or canvas dwelling. It has two adjustable smoke flaps.  The teepee is most commonly associated with the North American Plains Indians, the nomadic tribes of the Great Plains of America. It is spelled tipi but pronounced TEE-PEE. Hence, this is the reason for the different spelling. The English word tipi, or teepee, is derived from the Lakota word “thipi.” This word directly translates to "used to live in." So what exactly is the history of teepees, and what are some interesting facts about teepees?  The history of tipis Most archeological... View Article

Things You May Not Have Known About Teepees

November 23, 2022 12:00 am Published by Leave your thoughts

Many of us are familiar with teepees. If you are also like many of us, however, that familiarity only extends to perhaps having seen them on the landscape of some old western television show. So what kind of tipi facts are there that most people don’t know? We are glad you asked. Here is some interesting and historical teepee information that will make you more enlightened about the facts and the story behind them. Fast Teepee Facts You May Not Have Known From the history of teepees to curious and lesser-known teepee information, here is a quick look into the world of... View Article

The Importance of Debarking Your Logs

November 16, 2022 12:00 am Published by Leave your thoughts

Debarking logs can prove crucial during the drying process. Large logs will take a bit to dry either way, but logs with bark will typically maintain moisture for much longer. Debarking logs is especially important if the wood is going to be cut for use in construction. If someone is cutting up logs into small pieces, say for firewood, debarking may not be as critical but will still speed up drying. Fortunately, folks can now use a variety of tools to debark logs. Tree bark is essential for trees. The bark will retain moisture and protect the tree’s interior from... View Article

DIY Projects Using Small Logs

October 26, 2022 12:00 am Published by Leave your thoughts

There are many ways to add to the beauty and allure of your home. Some of those ways also include DIY log building projects for those who have basic carpentry skills. Are you good with wood? Would you like to hear about small log DIY ideas? Then you will love these easy and beautiful log-building projects. DIY Log Building  There are many small log DIY projects that even the novice carpenter can complete without much effort or time. Here are a few of those ideas and a few wonderful ways to add a warm and rustic feel to your home... View Article