November 23, 2020 7:51 pm
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Homeowners looking to spruce up their property by adding a unique feature should consider constructing a tipi. A tipi looks great, is fun for the kids and doesn’t cost a fortune to build. Before you run to your Utah lumber yard to pick up supplies for the job, be sure you know the best wood to use for a tipi. This post will cover a few things to look for in your tipi wood: Flexibility: The first thing to look for in your wood is flexibility. Flexible poles will be easier to work with and are able to withstand strong... View Article
November 9, 2020 7:50 pm
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Whether big or small, building a tipi is a fun DIY project for kids and parents alike. On top of being a fairly easy build process, tipis require very few materials. In fact, all you need is wood for the poles, some kind of covering for the exterior and some twine to hold it all together. There are many different types of twine on the market, and knowing the best string to use when building a tipi in Utah isn’t always straightforward. Continue reading to learn a few qualities to look for in a good tipi string: Easy to work... View Article
October 9, 2020 10:57 pm
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Fall is here, and now is the time you take pride in the finished projects and make plans for the unfinished ones. This often means considering ways of storing wood this winter so your materials remain intact for you to address new projects next year. However, despite the skills developed by woodworkers, many customers do not necessarily know how to store wood for the winter in Utah. If you see yourself in this scenario, here are five tips for winter wood storage: Bring inside: If your logs are seasoned, bring them inside to a shop or garage. This is a... View Article
September 25, 2020 10:57 pm
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When you look at what types of wood are the most expensive, you will likely find that they’re unique, decorative, slow-growing and even endangered. These types of wood are not for fencing or floors in Utah, but figure prominently in musical instruments, fine furniture and decorative art. Here are five species that rank among the most expensive wood in the world: Sandalwood: Chances are, when you think of sandalwood, you immediately think of essential oils. Its rich scent is enjoyed in candles, soaps, incense and perfumes. However, it is also an excellent craft wood. The heartwood is valued for furniture... View Article
September 9, 2020 9:29 pm
Published by Writer
Have you recently installed a new wooden fence on your property? When well maintained, wooden fences look beautiful and can last years. Wood is sturdy and durable, but it’s also prone to rot and fading. To keep your building’s curb appeal, you’ll need to keep a few tips and tricks in mind. Read on to learn how to maintain your wooden fence stays in Utah: Clean your fence regularly: Your fence will gather dirt, dust and debris over time, which makes it look dingy and dated. Wash your fence two to three times per year to keep it looking fresh.... View Article