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Tips for Storing Your Firewood This Winter

October 23, 2019 10:30 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

There’s nothing quite like a roaring wood fire to take the edge off an ice-cold Utah winter. Homeowners fortunate enough to have access to a wood-burning stove or fireplace understand how valuable they can be. Not only can a wood-powered stove or fireplace heat your home more comfortably than gas or electric alternatives, but they’re cheaper to run, too. Of course, if you’re not correctly storing firewood for the winter in Utah, then you could be negating the benefits of your wood-burning stove or fireplace. Why is it important to correctly store firewood? If you leave your firewood exposed to... View Article

Wooden Fence Post Repair Tips

September 11, 2019 1:07 am Published by Leave your thoughts

Do you have an old wooden fence post that’s seen better days? If so, you might be wondering how you can repair the post. If the degradation seems too advanced, you might even be curious as to whether the post is worth repairing, or whether you should instead simply replace the entire fence. Thankfully, wooden fence post repair in Utah is usually worthwhile, even when posts are in markedly bad shape. It’s almost always easier to replace a single post, rather than to replace a whole fence system. Fall is the perfect season to perform fence post repair in Utah—you... View Article

Tips on Keeping Your Tipi Warm in the Winter

August 28, 2019 1:07 am Published by Leave your thoughts

Tipis are ancient forms of housing and community space used by some indigenous American nations for centuries. Today, people use tipis for a wide range of reasons, including as a space to disconnect from technology and reconnect with nature, as art studios or even as a secondary residence. Tipis, like yurts, are enjoying a sense of renewed popularity. Tipis are relatively cost-effective compared to yurts, however, because they have a much simpler structure that requires less timber and labor to construct. If you’re planning on spending any amount of time in your tipi this winter, however, you’re likely wondering how... View Article

Bell Tents vs. Tipis in Utah: What’s the Difference?

August 12, 2019 11:12 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

It doesn’t matter if you’re planning a solo or a group camping trip—if you don’t want to sleep out in the open, then you should know your shelter options. Let’s take a look at two common ones: the bell tent and the tipi. Here’s the difference between camping in a bell tent and camping in a tipi in Utah. Bell tents A bell tent is characterized by its walls, ropes and raised, big entrance. It does not come built with a smoke hole or an extendable tripod. However, the bell tent is simple in that it is covered with cotton—traditionally... View Article

Reasons to Consider the Idea of Modern Tipi Living in Utah

July 29, 2019 11:12 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

When someone says “let’s go camping,” the first thing that enters your mind is probably sleeping in a tent or in a sleeping bag out in the open. There are also the folks who are willing to camp, but only if “camping” means setting up camp inside an RV or hotel room. Then there are people who take the road less traveled (at least comparatively), and insist on simple tipi structures. Can you actually live in a tipi, though? Well, if history is any indication, yes, you can. Today, people set up tipis in backyards, campgrounds and wilderness sites just... View Article