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Five Ways to Get Out of Your Comfort Zone This Summer!

June 29, 2018 9:25 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

Many people make it their New Year’s resolution to try to better themselves in the coming year. They do things like start going to the gym, stop smoking, eat healthier or even just try new things every once in a while. Unfortunately, those resolutions often fall by the wayside after a couple of months (or even a few weeks). Now that summer is here, and 2018 is halfway over, we think it’s time to make a new resolution: break out of your comfort zone! Here are a couple of things you can try this summer that’ll push your comfort limits,... View Article

Are There Any Tribes That Did Not Use Teepees?

June 20, 2018 10:43 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

In the United States, indigenous Americans are almost always thought of in conjunction with the teepee. It may come as a surprise to some, then, that most American tribes didn’t actually use teepees as their primary means of residence! Some tribes used teepees strictly for ceremonial purposes, while the vast bulk of America’s indigenous peoples didn’t use teepees at all. Teepees are conical wooden frames that were traditionally wrapped with birch bark or animal skins. Today, most teepees are made instead with canvas. Traditionally, only tribes in the Great Plains region used teepees as places of residence. Plains tribes lived... View Article

Are Teepees Easy to Keep Warm in the Winter?

June 6, 2018 10:43 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

Throughout North America, numerous indigenous tribes used teepees for centuries prior to European colonization. Some indigenous Americans continue to use teepees today, both for ceremonial and practical reasons. It turns out that teepees feature a number of impeccable design elements that make them perfectly suited for modern use, particularly in harsh, cooler climates. Unlike modern tents, teepees are actually suited for long-term, year-round habitation. Because teepee technology has had thousands of years to evolve, they continue to be relevant alternative lodging options. Whether you’re looking for a unique guesthouse, an interesting art studio or an extension of your living space,... View Article

Signs That It’s Time to Replace Your Lodgepoles in Utah

May 14, 2018 9:44 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

Lodgepoles are a type of lumber harvested from large, slender trees called lodgepole pine. These tall, slender poles are a beautiful material that can be used to make rustic furniture, outdoor structures and landscaping and construction features. Lodgepoles have been used historically for centuries by indigenous people for the construction of lodges, homes and buildings. They have been favored as a reliable building material for their natural beauty and durability, but all lumber eventually needs to be replaced because of wear, aging and damage. However, it can be difficult to know when it’s time for replacement. Thankfully, there are several... View Article

Tips for Tying Teepee Poles in Utah the Right Way

April 30, 2018 9:44 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

Teepees have been an iconic aspect of indigenous history for centuries. These structures have an intuitive design that has a durable construction with enough space to house a large number of people. They have the ventilation necessary to keep people cool during warm weather and divert smoke from a fire up and out of the structure. They have been used as dwelling places that can be taken down and transported easily as necessary. Whether you want to use a teepee as a nomadic dwelling or you want to incorporate this structure as a permanent fixture outside your home, you need... View Article