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The History of Log Furniture

July 29, 2022 12:00 am Published by Leave your thoughts

Historians believe that humans have been using log cabin shelters since 3500 BC. In the United States, early settlers found it necessary to start off with such structures but quickly evolved their homes into more elaborate dwellings. The westward expansion of the 1800s brought a renewed need for log homes and many other types of construction made of log, including furniture. Early pioneers did not have much, but one thing they had in abundance was timber. Timber was necessary to their survival as it provided heat, cooking, shelter, and material to basically build anything they needed, including furniture for their... View Article

Benefits of Cutting Trees Down and the Positive Environmental Impact

July 22, 2022 12:00 am Published by Leave your thoughts

Is it bad for the environment to cut down trees? There has always been a misconception that cutting down trees is bad for the environment. That’s why many environmentalists have been encouraging people around the country not to cut trees. However, the environmental impact of tree removal can also be positive. Therefore, you should not only view cutting down trees as a negative undertaking but also an aspect with some positive factors.  1. Allows More Trees to Grow In a place where one tree was growing, several trees can grow in its stead. When you remove a big tree, it... View Article

Should I Pressure Treat My Wooden Fence Rails And Posts

July 8, 2022 12:00 am Published by Leave your thoughts

When it is time to make that fencing decision, you look up the best fencing material that will offer you the long-lasting and best service. It can be daunting since you will need to choose the most durable and cost-effective wood for your fence among the various options available. It is best to look up pressure-treated wood for your fence rails and posts because of its numerous benefits, including: It is more durable,  It needs minimal maintenance   It is the best quality in the market  Before settling on your fencing choice, it is best to consider the following factors: Your... View Article

When Should You Use a Fence Stay?

July 1, 2022 12:00 am Published by Leave your thoughts

Fence stays enable you to increase the spacing between posts and also provide a more rigid barbed wire fence. Wooden fences can be beautiful and functional, but their functionality depends on the way they are constructed. In order to build a fence that is sturdy, you must first understand what every component is responsible for. If you are asking how deep in the ground should a fence stay be, this is probably not a question to ask. Fence Stays vs. Fence Posts Fence posts are large, vertical pieces of wood or pipe that support the wires or railing of a fence.... View Article

Why Are Unfinished Lodgepoles Good for Teepee’s?

June 7, 2022 12:00 am Published by Leave your thoughts

The best wood for making teepees has always been lodgepole pine. There’s no other tree out there in the lumber industry that has provided the lodgepole tree’s benefits to consumers. Therefore, if you’re currently interested in teepee poles, you should ensure you’ve selected lodgepole pines. So, why use lodge poles for teepee? 1. Lodgepole Durability The first thing you’ll want to consider is the overall durability of the lodgepole pine. This particular tree is one of the hardest woods available, which means it can withstand all sorts of inclement weather and heavy use. You won’t have to worry about your... View Article