August 18, 2021 7:24 pm
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Lumber has been one of the most popular construction materials around the world for thousands of years, and it continues to be used for all kinds of building projects. While there are plenty of modern processes used to manufacture lumber for construction projects, people still use rustic wood materials—including lodgepoles—for a wide variety of purposes. If you’re interested in learning more about lodgepole pines and the many uses for this kind of lumber, keep reading. What are lodgepole pines? Lodgepole pines are pine trees that grow on the Pacific Coast, in the Black Hills and in the Rocky Mountains from... View Article
August 4, 2021 7:24 pm
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Investing in a new fence can make a huge difference in the appearance, value and security of your property. If you’re thinking about installing a new fence, you might be trying to make decisions about fencing materials, styles and designs—and that’s not always easy. If you’re wondering, “Should I put in a wooden fence?” keep reading to learn more about the advantages of choosing this kind of fencing material. Should I put in a wooden fence? If you’re wondering what might be the best material for fencing, it’s worth it to consider wood. Wood fences offer a lot of great... View Article
July 29, 2021 1:54 am
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The Native American tribes across the country have taught newer Americans a lot of tips and tricks—including construction methods. Teepees are one of those housing options that can be incredibly portable during hunting season. While your regular home may not be a teepee, it’s worth considering whether this kind of tent would be a good choice while hunting, fishing and camping. Can you live in a teepee? Yes—but if you’re not hunting, camping or fishing on a regular basis, you probably won’t need to use this kind of construction for everyday purposes. If you’re interested in permanent living, there are... View Article
July 15, 2021 1:54 am
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How many times have you threatened, “I’ll just go run off to the woods and never come back”? If you have an interesting lodgepole cabin design, that goal might just be within reach—especially when you equip it with modern comforts like plumbing, electricity and internet. Whether you want a 21st century rustic getaway or a full-fledged residence, there are plenty of ways to achieve it. Here’s a closer look at some of the different types of lodgepole cabins to get your creative juices flowing: A-frame: An A-frame home is the perfect way to use lodgepoles. Use the poles to create... View Article
June 2, 2021 5:44 pm
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Wooden fences are beautiful, elegant and look great in almost any yard. However, some people have a difficult time choosing the right type of wood for their fence. Redwood, cypress, cedar and pine can all be excellent options, depending on your specific needs. Do you have pets? What’s the local weather like? Are you on a strict budget? There are many factors you should consider before choosing the wood for your fence. It’s also good to consult a fencing professional in Utah when you need help choosing the best wood for your fence. Are you looking for something inexpensive? Sometimes... View Article