Whether you are an outdoor enthusiast, enjoy the backcountry or prefer the nomadic lifestyle, a teepee is a great addition to your outdoor gear. However, to get the most use out of your teepee, it’s important that you care for it properly. There is a direct correlation between the amount of care you put into maintaining your teepee and the amount of enjoyment you get out of using it. The main issue that people tend to run into when owning a teepee is that the canvas is easily susceptible to mold and mildew, which can be very destructive to canvas... View Article
Small teepees have become extremely popular items for children, especially for birthday and Christmas presents. We love hearing about all the fun, creative ways kids are playing with teepees in their play rooms, and have collected some of our favorites. Here are some examples of activities you can arrange with your kids’ teepee poles in Utah: Indoor campout: Have a “campout” just like you would in a tent outdoors. Set up sleeping bags, tell ghost stories and have s’mores (microwaved, most likely). This is an especially great idea in the middle of winter, to give you and your child a... View Article
Interested in making your own teepee? It all starts with a great teepee pole. But if you’ve never made your own teepee before, you might be wondering what qualifies as good teepee poles in Utah. Here’s some information to help you out as you begin your teepee-making adventure! Pole selection Teepee poles should be as straight as possible, without faults such as notches, knots or cracks. All poles should be peeled and cut while still green, then thoroughly dried out before being put to use. Here’s some helpful sizing information to consider while selecting your teepee poles: 5-6 ft. diameter:... View Article
Have you ever wanted to construct your own ancient tent home? For centuries, North America’s indigenous peoples used teepees as living spaces and ceremonial areas. Today, teepees enjoy nearly universal popularity because of their versatility and portability. If you are hoping to build your own teepee, you will find it substantially easier than you may have initially anticipated. If you invest in wooden teepee poles in Utah, all you will need is a fabric of your choice and a little bit of time and patience! Constructing your own teepee is an exciting act that is accompanied by a tremendous amount... View Article
Teepees are an ancient form of portable housing that were utilized by many of North America’s native people groups. Today, however, teepees are enjoyed by many outdoorsy and adventurous types for their relatively luxurious outdoor accommodations. Modern day teepees are known for being comfortable, dry and easy to set up and use. They are often made from exceedingly durable and light materials, making them ideal for a wide range of outdoor activities. Constructing a teepee is a deceptively easy and cost-effective way to enhance your property and create a more inviting atmosphere on your land. Investing in teepee poles in... View Article